David's Family

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We had an appt with Dad's oncologist yesterday, to follow up since his hospitalization. Since his surgery, my dad has lost over 50lbs and another 10 within the last week. The chemo and radiation decrease his appetite and also make everything either taste the same or metallic, so he isn't eating very well. My mom tries to make him anything that sounds good, but he doesn't eat very much of it. We went to Juice it Up after the appt and he got a peach mango smoothie and I had them add a Protein, Fiber and Multivitamin boost to it. Don't know if it really works, but it was worth a try. My mom and dad have an appt with the dietician today so hopefully they will get some more ideas on what to feed my dad and how to help him gain weight or at least maintain it. We are very happy with his new oncologist and feel he is really there for his patients and cares about them. As of yesterday, my dad started back on his radiation and he will have chemo on Thursday. Depending on how he tolerates this treatment, there are medications that they can start him on to prevent his counts from dropping that low again and hopefully prevent any more hospitalizations. As long as treatment continues as planned my dad is happy and ready to fight. Keep up the good thoughts and I will keep you all updated as often as I can!
Love Ashleigh

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