David's Family

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another appt today with the Oncologist. Chemo was held d/t dad's blood counts being too low. Dr. says he's going to lower the dose of the medication so hopefully we wont have to hold the chemo anymore. Today was day 15 of radiation, 20 more to go, he is getting so excited for it all to be over. Nothing tastes good to him right now, but he is maintaining his weight with the protein shakes through his feeding tube, so that helps. His mouth is getting really sore now and he is getting some blisters from the radiation which makes it hard to eat anything when it does taste good. He's making a list of restuarants he wants to go to when this is all over, I'm sure it will be the whole family going out to celebrate and all of us are excited for that day! Hopefully it's coming soon and will go by fast for his sake right now.

My parents have had so much help from our friends and family. People have brought over food and helped take my dad to and from his radiation treatments. No one truely understands how much help that is to him and my mom and they tell me and my sisters everyday how lucky they feel to have such awesome people in their lives.
Thank you to all of you,
it is much appreciated,

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