David's Family

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

And so his story goes....

Hello all,
My dad and all of our family know how many people out there are concerned about him and are continually asking for updates and current status reports on his health. We do greatly appreciate all of your kind words and thoughts, and though we may not always be able to talk to all of you, everyone is in our thoughts as well. Our family recently lost a very close friend and an amazing man Bob Freeman. After seeing his blog during his fight with cancer and also the one I have for my son, my dad liked the idea and I told him I would do it for him. We will try to keep this updated and as current as possible and also to hopefully get the word out that this blog exists so others can get involved. Any help that you all can provide in passing this website along would be greatly appreciated. Again thank you all so much for the love and support, my Dad wants to keep you all informed and he told me today that he would also like to post some blogs here and there so that he can keep in touch with all of you, even when he may not get to see you all the time.

All of our love,
Ashleigh and the whole Duggins Family.

1 comment:

  1. david, wish we could be more involved. We feel so helpless just calling to see how you are doing. so sorry to hear your mouth is so sore.
    Hopefully it will be better soon.
    we love you & think of you all the time. hope you wil feel better very soon. oxox pa & mom



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